Cub Tracks’ take me out to the yakyu game
#Cubs, #MLB, and #MiLB news, notes, and commentary, four days a week, rain or shine. The Cubs went a long way to lose a couple of ball games in the wee hours and seemed to have left the bats behind.
WELCOME to today’s episode of Cub Tracks news and notes™, a greatest-hits collection of Chicago-style beat writers and bloggers, ground from #Cubs, #MiLB, and #MLB baseball, overheated, steeped in writers’ tears, and then cold-brewed overnight for maximum flavor. No artificial intelligences were deployed, employed, entranced, or embalmed in the commission of this missive (apparently I might be training some though). Cub Tracks eagerly awaits the advent of robotic umpires and has already amended the three laws. The going is weird. Cub Tracks turned pro a long time ago.
Cub Tracks. Where the great ones run away.
Shohei is a damn good player. I’d still stop short of deifying him. I mean, seriously? The hype is real {$}. Also, Eat the Dodgers.
Okay, the season-opening non-exhibition games are over. To say that I suspect the fix was in does not detract from the spectacle any more than being completely fake invalidates the athletic competition in the WWE. Am I bitter and cynical? You bet.
*means autoplay on, (directions to remove for Firefox and Chrome). {$} means paywall. {$} means limited views. Italics are often used on this page as sarcasm font. The powers that be have enabled real sarcasm font in the comments.