Ex-Sunderland player explains reason for joining new series of ITV reality show. The former...
Daniel Farke fires warning to Sunderland ahead of Leeds United clash Leeds United boss...
Sunderland man sent firm transfer warning ahead of January, moving would be a ‘waste’...
‘Excellent’ – Sunderland boss praises first team hopeful after ‘brilliant’ showing in U21s win...
‘I want…’ – Wilson Isidor delivers Sunderland transfer verdict amid option-to-buy clause next summer....
Kristjaan Speakman gamble has backfired massively as fresh Sunderland blow revealed. Kristjaan Speakman may...
Update regarding Derby County’s Nat Phillips emerges after Sunderland substitution Derby County defender Nat...
Dan Ballard will miss Sunderland’s clash with Leeds United Get the latest Leeds United...
Trai Hume comment after Watford could be a worry for Regis Le Bris at...
Sunderland goalkeeper Anthony Patterson is on the radar of Manchester United, reporter Alan Nixon...